I find myself writing and rewriting this piece of code whenever I want to zip a set of files (in memory) and return the zipped file back as an object in memory. I often use this when the user requests a download of multiple reports and the deployment environment doesn't allow for disk access.
I thought I'd post it here so that I could copy-paste it the next time I need it :) If you've stumbled upon this page, you're free to use the code below too!
private static byte[] createZip(Map files) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ZipOutputStream zipfile = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
Iterator i = files.keySet().iterator();
String fileName = null;
ZipEntry zipentry = null;
while (i.hasNext()) {
fileName = (String) i.next();
zipentry = new ZipEntry(fileName);
zipfile.write((byte[]) files.get(fileName));
return bos.toByteArray();
BalasHapusUse ByteArrayOutputStream with ZipOutputStream to accomplish the task. you can use ZipEntry to specify the files to be included into the zip ...
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