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Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) MATLAB Implimentation

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) MATLAB Implimentation - these days more and more blogs that talk about technology, including blogs Techno Life but we are very experienced in this case because we have been there from a few years ago always present information about techno for you, well now we are about Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) MATLAB Implimentation hopefully the information we will convey can answer your question to google, please see:

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Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) MATLAB Implimentation

Kalman Filter (KF) 

Linear dynamical system (Linear evolution functions)

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) 

Non-linear dynamical system (Non-linear evolution functions)

Consider the following non-linear system:

Assume that we can somehow determine a reference trajectory 


For the measurement equation, we have:

We can then apply the standard Kalman filter to the linearized model
How to choose the reference trajectory?
Idea of the extended Kalman filter is to re-linearize the model around the most recent state estimate, i.e.

The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has become a standard    technique used in a number of 
# nonlinear estimation and 
# machine learning applications
#State estimation
#estimating the state of a nonlinear dynamic system
#Parameter estimation
#estimating parameters for nonlinear system identification
#e.g., learning the weights of a neural network
#dual estimation 
#both states and parameters are estimated simultaneously
#e.g., the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm

function [x_next,P_next,x_dgr,P_dgr] = ekf(f,Q,h,y,R,del_f,del_h,x_hat,P_hat);
% Extended Kalman filter
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% State space model is
% X_k+1 = f_k(X_k) + V_k+1   -->  state update
% Y_k = h_k(X_k) + W_k       -->  measurement
% V_k+1 zero mean uncorrelated gaussian, cov(V_k) = Q_k
% W_k zero mean uncorrelated gaussian, cov(W_k) = R_k
% V_k & W_j are uncorrelated for every k,j
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inputs:
% f = f_k
% Q = Q_k+1
% h = h_k
% y = y_k
% R = R_k
% del_f = gradient of f_k
% del_h = gradient of h_k
% x_hat = current state prediction
% P_hat = current error covariance (predicted)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Outputs:
% x_next = next state prediction
% P_next = next error covariance (predicted)
% x_dgr = current state estimate
% P_dgr = current estimated error covariance
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

if isa(f,'function_handle') & isa(h,'function_handle') & isa(del_f,'function_handle') & isa(del_h,'function_handle')
    y_hat = h(x_hat);
    y_tilde = y - y_hat;
    t = del_h(x_hat);
    tmp = P_hat*t;
    M = inv(t'*tmp+R+eps);
    K = tmp*M;
    p = del_f(x_hat);
    x_dgr = x_hat + K* y_tilde;
    x_next = f(x_dgr);
    P_dgr = P_hat - tmp*K';
    P_next = p* P_dgr* p' + Q;
    error('f, h, del_f, and del_h should be function handles')


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